
Website links

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 16 years, 3 months ago

This page provides links to other websites where useful resources relating to professional training, work placement, and practice-based-learning can be found.


Centre for Excellence in Professional Learning from the Workplace: University of Westminster

CEPLW focuses on professional learning in, from and through work and workplaces. 'We bring together a range of approaches from across the University with the aim of enhancing our understanding of this field, and developing, evaluating and embedding new approaches'.


Centre for Practice-Based Learning : Open University

By 'practice-based learning' we mean learning which arises out of, or is focussed on, working practice in a chosen job, voluntary work, career, or profession. This includes courses and learning activities linked to formal work placements, those which require the application of course ideas in a work setting and those which build on experience gained in a work setting.

Resources include 35 papers


Creative Learning in Practice (CLIP) : University of the Arts London

Our approach targets the development of scholarship and research into learning and teaching through working with tutors and students, building on excellent practice in areas linking work-related learning in the creative industries and Personal Development Planning.


Centre for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in Mental Health

 : University of Birmingham

This CETL involves a collaborative partnership between six schools in the university and the mental health service user, practice and policy communities. Through this partnership it will enhance and expand the delivery and evaluation of innovative, interdisciplinary mental health programmes within higher education and the mental health sector.


Centre for Excellence in Media Practice : BournemouthUniversity

The Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at Bournemouth Media School is working with a range of industry and education partners to design and develop innovative ways of studying media practice. At the heart of the centre's philosophy is collaborative learning.


Lead institution : De Montfort University


The centre will develop new teaching approaches and conduct pedagogic research. At its heart is the notion of exchange: between teachers, subject areas, students and practitioners, sustained by programmes of visiting scholars, internships and links with the creative industries.


Centre for Advancing Skills for Professionals in the Rural Economy (Aspire) : Harper Adams University College

The centre focuses on professions serving the rural economy. We shall create a centre that brings together staff and students to provide a focus for work-based learning, academic and professional skills development, learner support (dyslexia, numeracy and study skills) and learning technologies. We aim to enhance support for all students, especially those who are part-time, sandwich or work-based learners and those with disabilities


Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings (ALPS) : University of Leeds

Health and Social care (H&SC) courses rely on the quality of students’ learning experiences in practice settings. The excellence already demonstrated by us within professions can be extended and disseminated across professions, providing the opportunity to learn in an interprofessional environment. Identifying generic and specific professional competences will allow us to develop work-based educators and practitioners who will confidently support students’ learning, and specifically assessment, in the workplace and across professional boundaries.


Centre of Excellence for Work-Based Learning for Education Professionals : Institute of Education, University of London

The Centre is focusing in particular on education professionals. The centre supports the development of our work-related programmes, and enhance students’ learning opportunities through face-to-face programmes and the use of new technologies to facilitate learning at work. The centre will also support new initiatives, including the development of accreditation and assessment frameworks, for workplace learning


Centre for Excellence in Work Based Learning (CEWBL) : MiddlesexUniversity

The CEWBL builds upon the distinctive MiddlesexUniversity approach to work based learning as a field of study as well as a mode of learning. This Centre specialises in negotiated work based learning programmes.


Centre for Excellence in Healthcare Professional Education (CETL4HealthNE) : University of Newcastle upon Tyne

This CETL works with a range of partners across the region to design and deliver innovative learning and teaching for future health professionals - in order to meet the changing expectations of patients. Increasingly, healthcare students will learn together in the workplace, with simulated and real patients (and communities), and


Centre for Excellence in Leadership and Professional Learning

Liverpool JohnMooresUniversity


This CETL is developing innovative learning approaches within Physical Education, Dance, Sport and Exercise Sciences to enhance students’ vocational, leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Building on novel community, industry and business partnerships, models for lifelong learning will be developed through experiential opportunities in organisations dedicated to performance enhancement and the pursuit of a healthy and active lifestyle.


Engineering Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (engCETL)

Loughborough University


This CETL will be the UK centre for excellence and innovative thinking for the design, research and development of the engineering curriculum that maximises the benefit derived from the integration of employer input.



CRUCiBLE: Centre for Rights Understanding and Citizenship Based on Learning through Experience

Roehampton University


CRUCiBLE is enhancing student learning through an active engagement with the world in dealing with issues of human rights, social justice and citizenship. We will make use of our existing expertise and experience in building partnerships between human rights organisations and universities to construct programmes and learning resource materials as well as providing opportunities for student placements.


Centre for the Advancement of Integrative Learning, University of Nottingham


This CETL, led by staff recognised nationally for their outstanding achievements in learning and teaching, is based on an imaginative combination of three areas of excellence at the University of Nottingham: Entrepreneurship Education, History and the PADSHE project (personal development planning and ePortfolios). The CETL will build learning environments that foster students’ abilities to integrate their learning - connecting academic study, reflective self-awareness and experiential learning inside and outside the curriculum.


Placement Learning in Health and Social Care, University of Plymouth

The CETL aimsto enhance health and social care students’ practice/placement learning. Various strands of development work relating to placement learning and teaching are planned: preparing and training staff, supporting students with disabilities, evaluating learning assessment tools, evaluating interprofessional learning opportunities, auditing and enhancing the learning context, and the role of OSCEs. Building on existing excellence, the CETL also aims to develop new multi-professional placement opportunities at the cutting edge of service in the South West including working with refugees and asylum seekers, prisoners, homeless people and carers.


Foundation Direct, University of Portsmouth


Foundation Direct is providing enhanced campus-based and online support for the university's growing number of vocational foundation degree students. Centre tutors will provide generic skills and subject-specific guidance, careers management and Personal Development Planning. Students will learn how to manage and evaluate their studies and work-based learning and develop their professional practice. Foundation Direct will work with employers, FE college partners and professional bodies engaged with foundation degree students to ensure that curricula are developed and delivered appropriately. The CETL will research the effective support of foundation degree students and disseminate this good practice in collaboration with external partners.


Centre for Career Management Skills (CCMS), University of Reading

Web-site : www.rdg.ac.uk/cdotl/cetl-cms/

The Centre for Career Management Skills is building on the career management skills programme the university has run since 2002. Academics, careers staff and employers use lectures and online materials to develop students’ career management skills. These award-winning materials are used in around 60 higher education institutions. The centre supports a network of HEIs in developing career management skills. Reading’s existing material will be used as the cornerstone of a ‘learning ladder’ web-site. This will support students from foundation to postgraduate degree level courses to manage career transitions throughout their higher education experience.


Centre for Excellence in Inter Professional Learning in the Public Sector (CETL:IPPS)

University of Southampton


Based on our extensive experience of integrating interprofessional learning into health and social care programmes the CETL willdevelop group-based interprofessional learning opportunities for students from these services to prepare them for the team based working in the changing world of public services.


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