WACE Asia Pacific Conference
hosted by
The Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN)
The WACE Asia Pacific Conference was held in Manly, Sydney between 30th September to 3rd October 2008.
The conference theme was “Work Integrated Learning (WIL): Transforming Futures. Practice…Pedagogy…Partnerships” and the focus was on current key WIL issues in the context of global skills shortages and an increased demand for employability skills. These issues are high on the international educational agenda.
The conference provided an opportunity for over 300 education professionals from 14 different countries to come together to share their experiences, ideas and practices. The University of Surrey had one of the largest contingents (see photo below) and we presented 12 papers of the 150 papers and workshops.
All the peer reviewed papers can be seen in the conference proceedings.

Comments (1)
Jenny Willis said
at 12:26 pm on Oct 19, 2008
Many thanks to Norman for putting this together.
We have individually established a range of contacts with delegates. Would it be a valuable exercise to collate these and the nature of the collaboration, so that (a) we can avoid duplication and (b) demonstrate to the University the concrete benefits we have derived through sending sucha large party? I am willing to collate the list if you all feel it would be helpful.
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