
Student of the year award 2009

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 15 years, 9 months ago

SCEPTrE / PTCC Student of the Year Award

The award is available each year to any University of Surrey student who has made an excellent commitment to professional training and/or other forms of development relevant to being professional. Contributions to enhancing the experiences and development of other students, or to strengthening relationships between the university and employers, strengthen the nomination.


In 2009 there were 12 nominations for the award and at the end of the deliberative process the judging panel decided to award the £500 prize to Shelley Uprichard. In addition two students recieved commendations.


Award Winner 2009


Shelly Uprichard 

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Saviyen Subramanyan

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Hannah Farnfield

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Other nominated students 

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